Credo Choir Director Transition

Hello, Church Family,

Many of you may know that Will Chandler, our Credo Choir Director, is departing Denton to pursue his doctorate in choral conducting at the University of Kentucky. I hope you will join me in wishing Will well and in thanking him for his commitment and faithful service these past six years.

During his time as the Credo director, Will has grown the choir and led successful choir tours and concerts as far away as New York City. I know the Credo members will miss him terribly. Even as we say farewell, we all share his excitement as he begins this new phase in his life. 

Moving forward, Josh Taylor, our Director of Music and Worship, will assume responsibility for the Credo Choir. Josh led the youth choir at First Presbyterian Church in Dallas where he worked as Director of Music and Worship. Josh has worked with Will and has already met with a number of the Credo Choir and their parents and is looking forward to working with our Youth!

Will has left us a note to share with all of you (see below). We are so grateful for the ways all of you continue to shine God's love into every life!

Carol Rogers
Staff-Parish Relations Committee Chair


COVID-19 Update: Closed Until Further Notice


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