A Post-Election Reflection and the Work Ahead

Dear Krystal,

On the day after such a consequential election, there is no shortage of voices offering analysis and commentary through every possible medium. We hope this note does not add to the noise, but rather offers some spiritual direction to those who need it in this moment.

“But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” Amos 5:24

This past Sunday, we centered on those words and the themes of legacy and what it means to live as good ancestors. Amos calls us to stand on the riverside, to consider what story it is that we will send downstream to those we one day leave behind. And Amos reminds us that the story God has always desired to tell is one of liberation for the lowly, of care for the vulnerable, and of justice and righteousness for all the earth.  

As pastors and people of faith, we know that our country faces crises of spirit that run deeper than election statistics or policy differences. We are deeply entrenched in our divisions. We too easily succumb to fear. We speak and act with violence and brokenness. We abandon the vulnerable and gift oppressors our silence. In short: We do not live into the reality that we are ALL beloved children of God.

Building a new reality is not easy; in fact, it is exhausting. It’s not just the work of our lifetimes, it’s the work of God’s creative being. None of us will build this new reality alone, and certainly not for the whole of the world. But together, as people of faith, we can build the kindom of God here, starting in our communities, in our streets, in our homes, or even simply in our hearts.

This Sunday, we will focus on how God is leading us to build a better reality, a kindom of God, through our shared ministries as the people called “FUMC Denton.” We will gather as a large, diverse congregation in multiple styles (and languages) of worship. We will recommit ourselves to the common work that God has placed before us. And we will receive several new members in each service, renewing our covenant to hold each other as God's beloved in this sacred community.

In the meantime, consider a pause on social media, spend some time in the sunshine, and allow yourself to rest as God our creator rested. And prayerfully, we will see you on Sunday.

Because the story is ours to steward.  

Because we are called to live as good ancestors.

Because a new reality is not only possible, it is necessary.

Grace and Peace,

Pastors Scott and Raegan


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