A letter from Rev. Jonathan Perry upon his appointment as Senior Pastor of Arapaho United Methodist Church

Dear Church Family,

Today, I am humbled and honored to share with you that I have been appointed as Senior Pastor of Arapaho United Methodist Church in Richardson, Texas. This opportunity to lead and serve a wonderful congregation like Arapaho fills me with excitement and anticipation, but it also means saying goodbye to the cherished community we have built together.

As I sit to write this letter, my heart is filled with gratitude for each and every person at First United Methodist Church of Denton, TX. Serving as your pastor, as Executive Pastor and pastor of Open Worship, has been a profound privilege and joy, one that I will carry with me as I embark on a new chapter of ministry.

Over the years, we have worshipped together, prayed together, served together, laughed together, and worked together to build a community rooted in love, faith, and welcome to all. Beginning Open Worship with you has been the most profound ministry of my life, as has some of our grand work like initiating an affordable housing project and charting a sustainable course toward a growing future. 

But just as meaningful have been the many moments we’ve shared at Bible studies and bedsides, in corridors and conversations, at meetings and on mission trips β€” you have been the church where my faith, hope, and love have grown. It has been a blessing to serve with each member of this congregation, and I am deeply grateful for the ways in which you have welcomed my family and me into your lives and sustained us with your unwavering support and care.

FUMC Denton is a special place, and you are a special congregation. You work to make the world better, you make this city better, and you have made me better. You have made me ready for this next step β€” and I know you are ready to leap forward with fresh vision and fresh energy from your next leaders.

As we prepare to embark on this new part of our journey, I am filled with hope and excitement for the future of First United Methodist Church of Denton. Great things are ahead for this church, and the new leadership will flourish as you continue to support and care for Raegan, Scott, and their family just as you have ours.

As my last Sunday, June 9th, approaches, please know that while I may be leaving, my heart will always hold a special place for each and every one of you. Thank you for your friendship, your support, and your love. As we part ways, know that you will remain in my prayers, and I will cheer on your work together. This is a church that truly shines love into every life, and I can’t wait to see the new ways God shines through you.

With love and gratitude in Christ,
Rev. Jonathan Perry


Welcoming our new Co-Senior Pastors, Raegan and Scott Gilliland


A Message from Bishop Ruben Saenz Jr.  Ahead of General Conference