Announcing Pastor Don’s Retirement

Dear Church Family,

A few years ago, my best friend and mentor, Rev. Gene Wisdom, passed away during the pandemic after developing an inoperable brain tumor. Ever since, Gene’s passing has weighed on my heart. The loss of his presence and loving support and also (being fully transparent here) knowing that Gene died in his early 70s has stayed with me. This year, I turn 65, and I have been deeply considering where God is calling me in the next chapter of my life. 

After 33 years of Ordained Ministry as an Elder in The United Methodist Church, and after heartfelt, prayerful consideration with the support of my family, I have come to believe the time is right for me to retire from active pastoral ministry. Being your pastor has truly been a joy and honor for me. You have shone God’s love brightly into my life and the lives of so many others! I am grateful for the opportunities I’ve had to walk with you on your faith journeys, and for the ways you have walked with me on mine. We’ve done so much important, fruitful, and meaningful ministry together, and I have grown to love you deeply. You have shown me so much grace and kindness over the past 12 years, even in those times when I didn’t get something completely right. Serving as Senior Pastor of FUMC Denton, considered one of the top 10 premier churches in our conference, has been one of the greatest privileges of my life. I believe it’s time to allow someone else experience this same incredible privilege. 

At Annual Conference in June of this year, you’ll be appointed a new Senior Pastor who will begin on July 1 to build on the work of all those who have served FUMC Denton so faithfully in the past and present, including staff, lay leaders, and clergy, and congregation. The Cabinet of our conference is working diligently to find the right person for this church, and within the next six weeks, your SPRC Committee will be part of the process determining who this person will be and share that with all of you. 

I am excited about what the next chapter of my life will hold. I am equally excited about the future of FUMC Denton, and the important, meaningful, and fruitful ministry you have yet to bring to fruition! I know you will continue to shine God’s love brightly as disciples transforming the world. Please continue to keep the staff in your prayers as the church reconfigures what ministry will look like moving forward.

In consultation with our District Superintendent, Rev. Debra Hobbs-Mason, my last Sunday is set to be June 9th, following Annual Conference. If we don’t get the opportunity to visit before then, please know that you have been a blessing to me, my wife Susan, and my family, and that I will forever be grateful for the ministry we’ve shared together. I continue to hold you all in my heart and my prayers.

Grace and peace,
Pastor Don


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