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Pub Theology Hangout (Online)

We love talking theology but when we started all this, we didn't realize how LONG we would be in quarantine and.... WE MISS YOUR FACE. Do you miss ours?! ;)

So we wanna have a casual hang online to see our favorite pub theology peeps. No agenda..although I can't promise theology won't come up hehehehehe. But mainly we just want to see our community once again and catch up with you before we go back to streaming. So come hang out...and don't forget to bring your supplies. We will see you there!

Laura Watson Byrd is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Pub Theology After Dark
Time: Apr 30, 2020 08:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 925 4047 8946
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April 29

Community Bible Study

May 6

Community Bible Study