Over the Rainbow: There’s No Place Like Home | Graduation Sunday
As we move through this season of Spring, we’ve seen plants and tree bursting forth with new life. This side of Easter, we are reminded of God’s unimaginable love embodied in the risen Christ who lives among us, who we reencounter every time we gather for worship as a community. For many of us, Mother’s Day is a time of family gatherings, shared meals and a celebration of the moms who have loved us and nurtured our lives. That said, we recognize that some of us have not had the same kind of “loving” experience or who grieve the absence of our moms. Something I am truly grateful for are our graduating seniors who will be bringing the message this Sunday in both Mosaic and the Sanctuary service. How can you not feel gratitude for these young people, many of whom grew up at FUMC Denton and who have grown and matured as faithful disciples of Jesus. We have been blessed with their presence and faith, and we are much better for their ministry among ad with us.