God Dreams: Community
This Sunday is one of those rare opportunities you won’t want to miss! Our Open, Mosaic, Sancutary, and Jesus Fuente de Vida worshipping communities will gather for Combined Worship in the Sanctuary at 11:00 to sing, pray, worship and hear messages from Pastor Jonathan and Pastor Don.
This pandemic has been a long difficult journey, and we are overdue for a time of celebration, thanksgiving, and praise. In the last month, we’ve been exploring God’s dreams for us, personally and as a whole. We’ve heard personal stories of transformation from several members of our church, stories that called them out and called them in to a season of dreaming. In the process, they each discovered that in God, “more than we could ask, dream, or imagine” is possible. (Eph. 3:20)
Where is God asking us to go and what is God calling us to do? Our church has always been about boundless love, faithful worship, intentional discipleship, and impactful mission. As we look to 2022, we have an opportunity to go even “deeper” in all four aspects of our life together. And we need you: your presence, your vision, your passion, and your generosity to make it happen.
To fill out your 2022 Estimate of Giving card, please visit fumcdenton.com/dreams. Together, we recommit ourselves to Jesus’ mission for his church, as we seek to dream God’s dreams and live into God’s future for us.