How to Build a Bridge: Standing on Bridges Built Before Us

In the United Methodist tradition, we call those who have been an important part of our journey of faith “saints.” Saints bless us with their love and their witness of faith. I suspect we can all think of someone who has been a bridge between us and God and each other; a mentor, a friend, a neighbor, a beloved grandparent or parent, a children’s or youth director, a pastor, perhaps even your child or grandchild. This Sunday is All Saints Sunday and you are invited to light a candle in celebration of someone who has been a saint in your life, past or present. If you plan to watch our services virtually, you are invited to light a candle at home. Also plan to have some bread and juice available to participate in Holy Communion with your church family. We're wrapping up the sermon series, “How to Build a Bridge” as we remember those who have built bridges that benefit us today, not only bridges to God but also bridges to one another.


Recovering the Sacred


How to Build a Bridge: Building Bridges to the Future